Aesthetic Realism: A New Understanding of Art and Life   |  Lynette Abel



     Can contempt be animated? Yes it can! Film animation artists since 1909, when Gertie the Dinosaur defiantly turned her back to the audiences, have been inter- ested in animating the contempt people have for the world. And when animation is successful, it gives form to contempt as a means of opposing it.

     I began to learn this in my study of the philosophy Aesthetic Realism, founded by the American poet and critic Eli Siegel. He showed me that I wanted to give artistic form to something I disliked myself for very much—how I could mock and make fun. That form is in this great Aesthetic Realism principle: “All beauty is a making one of opposites, and the making one of opposites is what we are going after in ourselves.”  
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To Aesthetic Realism Foundation
©2016 Lynette Abel